- FlipVideo Digital Video Camera Information & Purchasing ... Work Stylesheet Coding JavaScript JQuery 2010
- Dynamic Form Submission The JavaScript jQuery(function($){ $("#contact").submit(function(){ //grab form values before blowing it out of the DOM in the next line values=$(this).serialize(); $("#contact").html( "<p>Sending message...</p>\n" ); //send the values to the PHP handler $.aja... Code JavaScript PHP JQuery 2013
- DOM Inject and Add Event w/JavaScript window.onload = function(){ //create new button var btn = document.createElement("a"); btn.setAttribute("id", "addedbutton"); var btntxt = document.createTextNode("Run Me"); btn.appendChild(btntxt); //inject new button document.getElementById("sidebar").appendChild(btn); //add event to ... Code JavaScript JQuery 2013
- AJAX Remote Read, Local Write w/JavaScript //the callback function run after loading JSONp below function test_results_loaded(data){ //post data to a service via ajax var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open("POST", "https://orgnsm@orgnsm.org:lkAGWUE01H@orgnsm.testrail.com//index.php?/api/v2/add_result/1", true); xhr.setRequestHeader('Cont... Code JavaScript JQuery 2013
- Slideshow HTML <div id="photos_rotator"> <ul> <li> <a href="/node/15"> <span class="title">003</span> </a> <div class="rotator_full"><img src="003_0.jpg" alt=""/></div> </li> <li> <a href="/node/14"> <span class="t... JavaScript Stylesheet Coding Code JQuery 2013
- Using jQuery flexslider with animated captions callback jQuery(window).load(function(){ jQuery('.flexslider').flexslider( { pauseOnHover: true, controlsContainer: ".flex-container", slideshowSpeed: 8000, before: function(slider){ var currentSlide = slider.slides.eq(slider.currentSlide); jQuery(currentSlide... Code JQuery 2014